Our most frequently asked questions:

What’s the difference between SEM and SEO?

SEM is the management of paid advertising campaigns. You can see the paid ads in the top 4 and bottom 3 slots on the Google search engine results page. SEO is the deployment of tactics that help your website rank organically over time, so it will appear in the search engine results below the top 4 ad slots and above the bottom 3 ad slots. SEO includes placement in the maps and local sections of search engines as well.

What kind of budget do I need to be successful online?

The answer to this question varies depending upon your vertical, your service area, and what kind of digital marketing you want to engage in. It takes money to make money, but in digital marketing you can track every single penny that you spend, so you can ensure the budget is being used effectively and your ROI is being maximized. Contact us and we'll be happy to provide a free budget estimate for you!

Do you outsource your account management or customer service?

No. All account management is handled by our local team. You'll have access to an expert marketing manager and will frequently communicate with them regarding goals, objectives, performance, and the progress of your digital marketing campaigns.

How do I know what is being spent on the media and how much is being retained for management fees?

Easy: we agree on a monthly media budget and a monthly management fee before we begin our digital marketing partnership. Each month, you will pay media directly to the channel (Google, Bing, Facebook, etc.) and pay for management fees separately. 100% transparency.