geofence advertising in Coatesville PA

Drive more foot traffic to your store and increase the likelihood of return visits

Geofence advertising, or geofencing, is a digital advertising technique that allows your business to harness the power of mobile (and people’s affinity to be on their phone) to target a hyper-local audience and drive them to your store.

In geofence advertising, we literally draw a digital fence around your business (called the conversion zone) and then we draw individual fences around the areas and people we’re going to target (called the target fences). Some areas we target:

·        Nearby neighborhoods

·        Businesses in your local area

·        Your local competition

·        Nearby townships, boroughs, zip codes, and cities

·        Radius around your store

·        Radius around local ‘hot spots’

We then serve ads to your target audience while they surf the web or use apps on their mobile phones. If, after a user sees your ad they travel to your store, we track that as a conversion and report back to you.

Geofence advertising drives people from their home or business to your store to make a purchase.

Geofence advertising in Coatesville, Chester County, and the surrounding areas is best utilized by businesses that have a physical location like restaurants, retail locations, beer and liquor stores, clothing outlets, professional services (accountants, tax preparers, financial planners, lawyers, etc.), or any business that could use more foot traffic and more repeat business to their store.